JESSICA YEATON // 2x Winter Olympian in Cross Country Skiing who grew up in Alaska

If you are a regular listener, you may have noticed that the weekly drop of episodes have slowed down, the demands of work and life have taken priority over the last few months, and as organised and on top of things as I try to be… I haven’t been able to put the time required to bring you a weekly episode.

From now, I’m going to aim for a fortnightly release until life settles down a little, so that I can still get all the important messages across with the time and quality they deserve. There’s now over 50 interviews with wonderful people involved in the world of sport for you to go back and listen too. If you have a sport or anyone in particular you’d like to hear from send me a message via Instagram @beyondsportwithfionastewart.

Now, let me introduce you to this episode’s guest joining me all the way from the United States, Jessica Yeaton, 2 time Winter Olympian for Australia in Cross Country Skiing. Jessica spent her first few years in Dubai before moving to Alaska and discovering the wonderful world of winter sports. In this episode you’ll hear how Jess’ introduction to the sporting world wasn’t just straight into snow sports and how her love and passion for exercise has influenced her life today.

That’s more than enough from me, let’s hear from Jess.

ALICIA COUTTS // 3 time Olympic Swimmer, 5 x Olympic Medallist and Mum of 3 boys shares her journey through swimming

After a week off, I’m so excited to bring you an episode with three time Olympic Swimmer, Alicia Coutts. Representing Australia at the 2008, 2012 and 2016 Olympics Alicia came away with 5 Olympic medals, including a gold medal and making Olympic history in the 2012 4x100m freestyle relay. In this episode Alicia talks about her early years in the sport, including what happened on the day of her first swimming competition at seven years old. We chat about the benefits being involved in swimming has given her and the lessons she’s learnt along the way.

It was an absolute pleasure to chat with Alicia, as a busy mum or three she put time aside in her day to share her journey with us, you may hear a minute or two of her youngest in the background, but push through because it’s an important message.

Listen here

ROBERT KEENEY // the wonderful world of kickboxing, MMA and BJJ

This weeks episode is with a good friend, Robert Keeney. Rob takes us through the world of combat sport, particularly kickboxing, BJJ and MMA, he shares his insights into what sport can teach you and the lessons he has learnt about himself along the way.

You’ll get to hear what made him want to, in his words, put his pretty face on the line by starting a combat sport and how the love of training has transitioned over to his professional life.


ALANA BALDI // Cricket and Athletics is more than just the athletes

Introducing this weeks guest Alana Baldi. Coming from rural Victoria Alana has been involved in the sporting world since she was a kid through athletics and cricket. Not only has Alana been actively involved in sport but she is a huge advocate for sport being used for social inclusion particularly for underrepresented communities. With an extensive sporting volunteer and coaching resume Alana spends her time and effort helping others achieve their dreams in sport.

This chat will be split into two parts with part two being released next week. If you haven’t already make sure you hit follow wherever you are listening so it can come straight into your library. LISTEN HERE

BEC HENDERSON // Elite Triathlete and Olympic Racewalker talks about the benefits of having multiple sports

This weeks guest is a close to home one, Bec Henderson. I normally introduce guests by their sport, but with Bec she’s a multi-dimensional athlete. Bec and I know each other as we grew up swimming for the same swim club, where Bec specialised in the open water events. She then added triathlon to the mix as well as race walking. Debuting at her first Olympics last year in the 20km racewalk. In this episode we delve into the benefits of training for multiple sports as well as an insight into some of the nutrition and training studies that go on behind the scenes with high performance athletes.

I’ve always admired Bec’s balanced attitude when it comes to sport and training and it was a pleasure to take a bit of a trip down memory lane with her.

Listen here

Just a reminder, if you’re liking these episodes to hit follow or subscribe wherever you are listening. If you’re feeling extra generous I’d love it you shared it with someone who you think would also enjoy it. You don’t need to be a sporting expert to gain something from these chats.

SALLY HUNTER // Olympic swimmer, coach, mentor and mum – interviewing a childhood hero

I had the absolute pleasure of being joined by this weeks guest, Australian swimmer, Sally Hunter. I had a bit of a fan girl moment when Sal agreed to come onto the podcast, as I grew up watching her achieve so many things during the decade she represented Australia in the pool, including competing at two Olympics, two Commonwealth games, and multiple world championships. But Sally’s journey in swimming hasn’t stopped there, after retiring in 2016 she has been coaching as well as mentoring and advocating for young athletes in the world of sport.

Before getting into the interview, I wanted to mention that after recording Sal and I had a chat about how to navigate getting back in the pool after retiring but not being able to face it. The advice she gave me was to get rid of any expectations, not count laps or time yourself – which as a competitive swimmer these things are all pretty much second nature. But a few days later, guess who found themselves back in the pool and getting out with a smile on their face looking forward to the next time. I know it’s easier said than done, but it’s a piece of advice I had to pass on.
Listen here.

HANNAH DODD // 2x Australian Paralympian in equestrian and wheelchair basketball… what’s a pity party?

I’m please to introduce the first guest for 2022, two time Paralympian, Hannah Dodd. Hannah has represented Australia in not one, but two sports, equestrian and wheelchair basketball. Not only has Hannah competed at the highest level in what I’d call polar opposite sports but she’s done so with a positive attitude. Hannah mentions something we haven’t heard before on the podcast when it comes to resilience, so keep your ears open for that part of our chat. Listen here.


The buzz of the new year usually brings with it motivation to set up some new goals.
But did you know there is different types of goals? AND they are not all created equal.
SWIPE to have a read of the three types of goals and let me know in the comments what category YOUR 2022 goals fall into!

If you haven’t set your new years goals yet, there’s a 5 minute bonus episode that might be able to get steer you in the right direction. You can listen on Apple podcasts here or Spotify here.

Lisa Darmanin // Australian sailor, two time Olympian and Olympic SILVER medallist on how sport has opened her eyes to the importance of protecting our oceans

I have the pleasure of introducing you to the final guest for season 2, Lisa Darmanin. Lisa is an Australian Sailor and two time Olympian, bringing home a SILVER medal at her debut Olympics. If that isn’t impressive enough, Lisa is also passionate about protecting our oceans and supporting and empowering people, particularly women, to take up the wonderful sport of sailing. I loved having a chat with Lisa about everything from the family sport of sailing and competing with her cousin to how not getting the result you were after isn’t a failure at all.

I couldn’t have asked for better chat to wrap up the interview aspect of the podcast for the year, so lets jump on in. LISTEN HERE

EXPECTATIONS… what are they and how do we deal with them?

This episode is going to be a little different from the weekly interview that’s been coming into you ears each week for well…almost 9 months straight.

You’ve just got me, for a quick bonus episode chatting to you about expectations.

The dictionary defines expectations as a strong belief that something will happen or be the case.

We place expectations on ourself and on others, and if the outcome isn’t what we expected then you are left with a feeling of disappointment. It’s that heavy feeling of being let down.

In a sporting context expectations are unwritten demands or minimum standards that you have about your performance. They cause you to judge the quality of your performance and outcomes.

This can be from expecting to win a game, or achieve a personal best and if that doesn’t happen – then it feels like a failure.

Honestly, if we talk about all the times I’ve been in tears after a swimming race because I expected to swim a certain time and didn’t we’d be here for more than a quick bonus episode.